Monday, August 28, 2017

Quilter's Retreat

Man oh man do I LOVE retreat!!
There's so many types of people to get to know, so many projects to admire...
They feed you..... I mean, what's not to love?!

I really enjoy
the opportunity to get a few extra stitches in on some projects that have been lying around, but most of all I love watching the different styles of my fellow retreat-ers.

You've got your classic pedal to the metal ones, the "shhhh.... you can't talk to me right now or I'll mess this up" ones, the "oh s*** I have to rip this AGAIN" ones (probably cause they were talking to you... lol), the I'm gonna go for a walk ones, the "hey do you need a refill" ones, and the "oh my word I just keep eating" ones!!   Oh, and the "watchers"..... always watching.... waiting.... listening!!!

Really, I think we are all a combination of these all, but it comes out at different times.

Here's an overview of the room... It's great how everyone comes in and claims their space... Like establishing their turf... Lol

My work station...

That's my bag that I work out of... The trick is to have most of your projects cut ahead of time... then you can just reach in a pull out what you want to work on for the day!

My favorite spot.... I mean, what's a quilt retreat without lots of junk food?!

Anyway, I thought I'd show everyone what I've been working on...
Here's what two solid days of nothing but quilting can do!

I started out hoping to make it through a seemingly endless pile of what I call "idiot sewing".... not that it makes you any less intelligent, but you literally do the same thing over and over for the entire project.  No variance in piecing.... just.... sew this one to that.  great. now do that 2,000 more times and you're done!
Honestly, these are my favorite projects for retreat... If you get tired, no worries, just keep doing this same repetitive motion and pretty soon you'll have a quilt!

If you stick with it, here's what can happen!

I'm thinking I need to add some pieced borders... What do you think?

Of course I can't go a whole retreat without adding to my waste triangle repertoire...

These units were actually so big, that I got away with not drawing the additional line before sewing.  I trimmed them first and was able to keep them all together.  This allowed me to make a different kind of unit instead of the classic half square triangle.  Most of them became quarter square triangles instead!

If you're like... "what the heck is a waste triangle repertoire?!?"

We'll use these for something later I'm sure!!

Here's the finished runner

This is the pattern that this runner came from... It's actually a secondary project, but I like it!
You can get this pattern... on sale even... HERE!

Here's a couple more...
This quilt came from THIS BOOK HERE
I still need to add some borders.... but I ran out of fabrics.  That's the only negative of sewing at retreat... My stash is at home!

This miniature quilt is something I sneaked in on Sunday before we left.  I was not able to get it quilted... again ran out of fabric for the back... but anyway... it turned out cute!

Well thanks for reading everyone... I hope you enjoyed seeing these as much as I enjoyed making them!

Leave me a comment and let me know....
 Have you ever gone on retreat??? If so, what's you're favorite thing?


  1. My favorite thing at retreat is watching all the projects come together and the variety of different projects going on at the same time. FUN!!

    1. It really is fun to see what everyone is working on.... there's some interesting projects for sure!

  2. I had a great time loved it!!!💕💕💕
